0845 351 0109

Do you have a question ?

Our staff will be happy to help you

0845 351 0109


Monday - Friday: 09.00h - 21.00h
Saturday: 09.00h - 17.00h
Sunday: 10.00h - 17.00h

Contact us

Customer Contact Center

For questions please contact our English speaking staff at the Customer Contact Center.

You can contact us via phone number 0845 351 0109 (4p/min). 

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9AM - 7PM
Saturday: 9AM - 5 PM
Sunday: 10AM - 5 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question? Check our FAQ. If you can't find your answer there we are always happy to help you if something is unclear. You can contact our Customer Contact Center via telephone. 

Share your experience with us

Your opinion is important to us! Send us your complaint or feedback using the form below, such as: My account, problems with vouchers or a refund request. 

You can also use this form to let us know if your address or e-mail address has changed, if you need help making a reservation or if you had any other problem during your stay.